Classic Christmas Movies that Make Great Family Traditions
Is there anything better than snuggling up under a quilt infront of a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee while watching a Christmas movie with your family? I think not. It’s that time of year and though we all love a good cheesy Christmas movie, you can’t beat a good classic movie! Here are some of my favorite classic Christmas movies that make great family traditions, with links for streaming online.
It’s a Wonderful Life
This one is definitely a family favorite. We have a tradition of watching it together every year as a family with Christmas cookies and a warm cup of wassail. It is a heart warming story that follows the life of George Bailey (James Stewart), a man with struggles so great that he wishes and prays he had never been born. In answer to his prayer, he has a visit from an angel who allows him to see how his life has touched the lives of so many others. “Attaboy Clarence.” This old black and white film is truly a classic but it comes to life in Technicolor. The colored scenes remind me of a Norman Rockwell painting.

Watch It’s a Wonderful Life for free: in black and white
White Christmas
A popular favorite! With beautiful costumes and fantastic song and dance routines, this film tells the story of Jim Wallace (Bing Crosby) and his song and dance partner who team up with a lovely sister act at a rural country inn in Vermont. There they find the innkeeper is their former general from the war. After learning the inn is struggling financially, they come up with a plan to put on a Christmas musical to honor their beloved general and hopefully save the inn.

Watch White Christmas on: Prime or Freebie
Miracle on 34th Street
“Faith is believing things when common sense tells you not to.”
This movie has always been a favorite of mine. I love the original 1947 version starring Maureen O’Hara but the 1994 remake is great as well. The movie sweetly tells the story of a family who befriends an old man, by the name of Kris Kringle, after he fills in for an undeserving “Santa” in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. After his perfect portrayal during the parade, he’s offered the position as the new department store Santa where he quickly revives the spirit of Christmas and softens the hearts of those who do not believe. His position and mental stability are challenged after he claims to be the real Santa Claus.

Watch Miracle on 34th Street for free: 1947 version – 1994 version
Holiday Inn
I really love this one and it has become a favorite of mine over the last few years. Starring Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, this delightful song and dance film takes you on a journey through the holidays all year round but truly shines as a Christmas classic through it’s beautiful scenes and music. Jim (Bing Crosby) leaves a busy big city life to run a peaceful country inn, only to find himself turning it into a popular holiday entertainment venue. If you love “White Christmas” then you’re sure to love this movie, where you will find some familiarities.

Watch Holiday Inn here for free.
Little Women
This movie embodies all the cozy Christmas family goodness. There are several adaptations of this book to film classic, but my favorite is the 1994 version. “Little Women” tells the beautiful story of the March family’s life, loves and struggles during the Civil War. Some may not view it as a Christmas classic but the film, much like the book, begins and ends with Christmas and is filled with cozy fireside traditions and heartfelt lessons in selflessness and helping those in need.

Watch Little Women for free: 1994 version
Watching Christmas movies as a family each year can be as much of a holiday tradition as decorating gingerbread houses or looking at Christmas lights. Family togetherness of any kind is so very important. I hope you find this list of some of my favorite Christmas classics helpful when creating memory moments with your loved ones. Happy Holidays!
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You know what my favorite is. Even though I have watched it many times through the years, I still look forward to, once again, watching It’s A Wonderful Life. But what I love most is having our family here and enjoying it together…. Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings….and yes, I still
Yes, it’s a good one. And it’s about that time. 🙂