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Moments in the Garden: Preparing the Ground

Preparing the ground for a garden.
A Repost from February 3, 2013

I remember being a little girl, walking behind my grandpa as he tilled his garden. I’d step in his footprints on the soft ground. To this day, I love to walk barefoot on freshly tilled ground.

As I watched my husband till our garden plot this morning, I breathed in the sweet smell of damp dirt and let my mind wander down memory lane.

Preparing the ground for a garden.

My days working with Grandpa in the garden make up some of my best childhood memories.

I look out over our the tilled ground with anticipation. I can’t wait to get my hands in the dirt.  I can already see plants coming up out of the ground.

This was the first post I ever made on my old blog, and the title “Preparing the Ground” had multiple meanings. It marked the beginning of new things, a garden and blogging. It also served as a gateway to past moments that helped lay the foundation of my life. This post, and others like it, still serve as a gateway to yesterday. It’s funny how little things have the ability to take you to another time and place.

You can view my original post here

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Preparing the Ground: A repost from the old blog.

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One Comment

  1. This one brought tears to my eyes. Her grandpa was my dad. I, like Jenny, always get sentimental this time of year. I never plant tomatoes without thinking of him. He loved his garden and showing off the fruit of his labor. I can hear him say, just look at the size of this tomato. Memories are good. Even when they bring a few tears.