Old House Renovations and a Short Pause
We’re in the home stretch of our old house renovation. What we foolishly thought would only take a few months with the help of contractors has actually taken a year and a half of mostly doing it ourselves. We should have known better because, “This ain’t our first rodeo.” Nonetheless, here we are, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and I’m so glad!

Life as we know it
Since we bought our old house in the summer of 2023, we have been trudging along, cleaning, repairing, and building. All the while, the everyday tasks of our slow country lifestyle slip further back in our minds as a memory. We haven’t gardened or kept livestock (except for chickens) since selling our west Texas farm in early 2023. I haven’t baked bread, made soap or done any of the cozy homemaking things I am accustomed to. It seems like it’s been decades since we sat on our porch on a lazy afternoon and just listened to the wind blow. But, we’re getting closer.
We only have a few more rooms left to lay flooring in, and then we will put together our kitchen. After some touch-ups and a few bits here and there, we will be finished! Our goal is to get the bulk of the work completed by the end of the month so we can finally get all of our belongings out of storage and into the house. Exciting times ahead!
The coming days
With a few more weeks of hard work ahead, I’ve decided to take a short pause from writing while pushing to wrap up the house project. I’ve been struggling to focus on creating quality content for the blog as so much of my time and energy is spent on the old house renovation. A kind “Prairie Sister” recently encouraged me by reminding me that soon enough, the work will be complete, and we’ll be sitting comfortably in our new-old country kitchen, sipping coffee at our kitchen table. I look forward to being able to share that with you. Farewell for now!